Thanks so much for the kind words
I was traveling all week to visit clients in Mid-West & East Coast this week, but when I arrived back home at midnight last night... I have 2 exciting boxes to open:
First box is the LIGHTENED (Corse Spec), Balanced, and Super Polished Crankshaft, all work perform by Brian of Boulder Motor Sports in Colorado

As a reminder, although my bike is a 998, but the engine will come from a 2005 999S, so this crankshaft below is from that 2005 999S engine with super low mileage of only a few thousand kilometers.
Those Pankl TITANIUM Connecting Rods were also re tightened to the crankshaft using NEW Titanium Bolts because I don't want any risk from reusing those bolts (even though in theory, it should be ok for 2 or 3 times tightened and re tightened before they stretch too much):
More pictures:

Brian also marked the PISTAL High Compression Forged Pistons:
Next, as soon as I have all the parts needed, I will send the 2 cylinder heads to be "MODIFIED"

and also for every gear that can be SUPERPOLISHED (Micro Polished)

by Brian of Boulder Motor Sports
Second, I had been HUNTING for a brand new 998 radiator fans because they have similar shape to the 999 radiator fans but their socket connector are different and only work for 998 wiring harness.
Now, what is interesting, the fan that was New but Old Stock are the same as the original fan that came to my bike on which it have some kind of dark yellow (almost look like they are rust) coating on top of the motor just like on the first picture below.
So even when they were new, they already look like an OLD RUSTED fan:
But the latest spare parts from Ducati no longer have this ugly dark yellow coating, like picture below. (well they do have some coating but it is a CLEAR Resin coating so they look much better:
The problem is, I can only find 1 brand new fan that came from recent batch of production after searching the entire world. So finger crossed, by this September, Ducati will have a new batch of the newer style fan (with clear resin coating) back in stock so I can buy 1 more fan.
This way the left and right radiator fan will look the same (and better).
Here are more comparison pictures between my 2 old fan that came with the bike, and the brand new fan that just arrived this week:

If you notice on one of the picture above, there is a gold sticker saying "JAPAN", but what funny is, the box for the new fan show that it made in Czech Republic... well maybe Mitsuba have a production facility in Czech but I certainly hope they are as good as the original one build in Japan...