This is one of my favorite videos of 2021.
When the smoke alarm

goes off

@BMW Alpina.
Thanks HKMP7

Now, do you guys recognize what is that transparent cylinder in the picture below?
ok... how about this picture:
I am sure you guys still confused... what the heck is that...
Ok, let me share the "intense moment" I had before I started the engine...
So... I was using a hand siphon pump to transfer the fuel from the plastic gasoline container to the gas tank.
I bought this hand siphon pump together with this generic plastic gasoline container last year.
I left both the hand siphon pump and the plastic gasoline container on our house side porch which make them exposed to sunlight (not directly though)...
Problem is... turn out these "modern" plastic is very fragile with UV from the sunlight... because the plastic gasoline container had this small pin hole which I only found out a few days ago after I fill them up at gas pump and it was leaking drip by drip from the bottom... but I solve the problem (temporarily) by placing it on it's side so it won't leak.
I should have realized this will also create problem with the plastic siphon pump...
Anyway, again
I was using a hand siphon pump to transfer the fuel from the plastic gasoline container to the gas tank, and
I insert one end of the outlet tube into the opening of the gas tank when I saw it CRACKED while I am pumping gasoline...
So I stop and try to take the tube out from the gas tank and... it just broke (fell apart) and about 3 inches part of the tube fall INTO the gas tank...
I am like... Oh no... this means I need to take the gas tank out again from the bike and put it upside down until the tube came out...
I was really .... well not happy.... I try to look from the gasoline cap opening and can't see anything.... (picture below):
but then I realize... hey what if I take out the entire gas tank cap assembly... so I took it out and voila... I can see the piece of tube , picture below:
Then use a plier to pick it out:
Ah... crisis averted
I am still using that siphon pump again to pump more fuel, but do it very carefully not to break it apart more... then once done, transfer it to where it belong, the trash can
Anyway, I am going to order a new siphon pump and also already ordered a better quality VP Fuel gas can....
Oh, by the way, the heat is working well on the color transformation at the Titanium rear Manifold


and here is the front manifold:
This happened after I let the engine run for a while until the cooling fan start spinning: