Rizoma Stealth mirrors with ingegrated Kellermann Atto indicators


New member
Hi! I tried to find nice mirrors to replace the originals, but the selection of quality options was very limited. The Rizoma mirrors were nice, but their indicator solution wasn’t.

After looking at all the online pictures I could find, I came to a conclusion, that Kellermann Atto Integral Dark inidactors should fit into the base of the Rizoma’s, so I ordered a set to give it a go:


I made a small jig out of aluminium and located the indicators in the same centerline as the mirror mounting bolts, this way I could machine both mirrors with the same attachment. I took my time to find an angle and position, where I would hit the center of the mirror mounting bolts, so I could route the wire and connector as standard. I have access to a cnc and 8.95 mm was a good diameter for the indicators, here is a trial fit inside the cnc machine (the indicator is naturally upside down in the picture):


The result turned out to be perfect, the inidicators are almost flush and the wires exit the base as I had hoped. I mounted the indicators with a a tiny drop of epoxy, as all it needs to do is prevent the indicators from sliding out. I had some Ducati indicator adaptor wires, which I then connected to the Kellermanns:


And I'm extremely happy how they look on my Speciale, as they blend in very nicely into the mirrors (wires were not yet done in this picture):
